For decades after his acquittal, Simpson maintained that he was not responsible for the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown, and her friend Ron Goldman, till his last breath. But Ron Shipp, a friend of the NFL star, said that Simpson had once mentioned how he had "dreams of killing" his wife.

The conversation took place after the former footballer came out after being questioned by the police. Shipp, a retired LAPD officer, was surprised to get the call from Simpson but still went to catch up with his friend. “He went down there, and they questioned him on all and why his finger was cut, all those different things,” Shipp said in his interview with People. Simpson shared with Shipp that the police asked him to take a lie detector test, which he refused. This confused Shipp, and he probed Simpson on why he did not want to take the test. He frankly replied that he had "dreams of killing her" and was afraid that the "needle" would "pop up" for something like that. “But it turns out that he did take it,” Shipp recalls. “Nobody really knew that. But I guess he failed miserably, but I didn't know it either.”

Simpson's alleged admission about dreams of killing his wife was an instant red flag for Shipp, who was also suspicious because of the cut on the footballer's hand. According to the retired officer, Simpson changed his story about the cut three times. The query that finally hit the nail in the coffin was regarding DNA. “He did ask, ‘How long does it take DNA to come back?’ And I think I told him at the time about two months or something,” Shipp remembers. The line of questioning and discussion proved beyond a doubt to him, that Simpson was responsible for the murders. "I knew he did it," Shipp said. "There was just no if, and or buts.”

Shipp believed that Simpson invited him to understand how likely it was that he could be charged with the crime. After Simpson dozed off, the footballer's sister prevented Shipp from getting out of the premises and he ended up spending the night. "I was broken-hearted, and I really kept asking myself, ‘Why am I still here?’ You're thinking in your mind that he killed her," Shipp says. "It’s still a shock to me, and you're praying and you're thinking, ‘Yeah, I hope you didn't do this.’ But it had all the things that made me think, ‘You killed your wife.’"

Considering what he knew, Shipp couldn't stay silent and offered his help to the prosecution. In his testimony he shared with the jury all the details about their conversation and why he suspected that his friend was behind the murders.

Simpson died of cancer, with his family announcing the demise through a post on X. After being found guilty in the civil trial, Simpson had another brush with the law and was convicted of robbery, as reported by Daily Mail. He got out on parole after serving nine years in prison. Even after the footballer's death, the family of his alleged victim Ron Goldman aims to get their due from the footballer's properties and belongings.