From Bible John to the Alphabet Killer: 6 Serial Killers Who Still Roam Free

Serial Killers on the Prowl

Serial killers are fascinating characters, but most people would prefer them behind bars. Technological advances have helped law authorities, catch a large number of notorious serial killers, but some still evade their grasp. Certain serial killers have been so smart with their maneuvering, that investigators have been unable to catch up with them. Many still roam around the streets, with their bloodied hands, ready to pounce on their next victim. Here are six serial killers that are still at large and not much is known about their movement.
1. Boca Raton Town Center Murderer

In 2007, in nine months, three mothers were targetted in the Town Center at Boca Raton, Florida, WPTV reported. Two of these targets ended up dead. The first victim was Randi Gorenberg, whose dead body was found in Governor Lawton Chiles Memorial Park. She died of gunshot wounds. On March 23, 2007, Gorenberg went to the mall to shop and never came back again to her family. In August, another victim along with her son, was caught by the alleged serial killer. The duo managed to survive because the woman reportedly was able to give the killer money from the ATM. Nancy Bochicchio, of Boca Raton, and her daughter Joey, were found tied up and shot in their car by a security guard at the Town Center. The investigators believe that in this case also the alleged serial killer took them to the ATM and made them withdraw money. Thereafter, the killer bound Bochicchio as well as his daughter and shot them. Investigators believe that all three crimes are connected, and are still searching for the killer.
2. Oakland County Child Killer

Mark Stebbins, Jill Robinson, Kristine Mihelich, and Timothy King were found murdered in the winter of 1976 and 1977, their killer remains at large, Fox reported. The killings happened in Michigan, and the bodies were found in the snow in Oakland County. The victims were all aged from 10 to 12 and might have been sexually abused. Evidence of sexual abuse could only be found on Stebbins, TIME reported. Two of the victims were smothered, while one was murdered by a shotgun. Though investigators always thought that the cases were linked, they never had substantial proof to back their claims. In 2012, technological advancements gave investigators evidence that hair found on two victims was revealed to be of the same man, CBS News reported. The serial killer is still at large.
3. Eastbound Strangler

Four sex workers were found dead in a ditch in Atlantic City, New Jersey, in the fall of 2006, A&E reported. The victims were identified as Kim Raffo, Barbara Breidor, Molly Dilts, and Tracy Ann Roberts. Authorities revealed that the bodies had been dumped in the ditch alongside Black Horse Pike in nearby Egg Harbor Township in five weeks. The location in which the bodies were found made investigators go forward with the theory of a serial killer being involved. Autopsies were done, and it was revealed that two women were killed from asphyxiation. The other two bodies were in such a bad condition, that their cause of death could not be determined. "A majority of serial killers focus on sex workers because they are easy to approach and easy to get inside a vehicle. And if they go missing, they are not reported right away, if ever at all," investigative journalist, M. William Phelps revealed.
4. Bible John

In the late 1960s Patricia Docker, Jemima MacDonald, and Helen Puttock were all allegedly put to death by a man who came to be known as Bible John, BBC reported. All three of them went to Glasgow's Barrowland Ballroom for a night out, and never returned to their families. The murderer allegedly picked them up from the bar and killed them after they agreed to go out with him. The killer was given the moniker when Puttock's sister shared that during their car ride, the man kept quoting from the Bible. She was the only one who ever saw the alleged killer and claimed that he told them that his name was John. In pursuit of the reported killer, Scottosh police launched a huge manhunt. They interviewed almost 5000 suspects but were never able to catch the apparent serial killer.
5. West Mesa Bone Collector

Multiple women and girls were brutally murdered in the early 2000s and buried in the New Mexico desert, A&E reported. The bodies were discovered when an Albuquerque resident walking her dog in the West Mesa area came upon a human bone. Rumors of a serial killer ran rampant when the remains of 11 women and an unborn child were uncovered. Albuquerque Police Department mentioned that all but one victim had associations with sex work or problems with drug addiction. The victims were all murdered between 2003 and 2005, as per authorities. They were buried near an area that was being developed for homes. Dental records and DNA samples were used by officials to identify the remains. Since the bodies had been buried for so long, a conclusive cause of death could not be found. The two most likely suspects for the authorities were Joseph Blea and Lorenzo Montoya, both of whom had a history of violence against women. Blea is serving a 90-year sentence and denies the accusation. Montoya died in 2006, of a fatal gunshot wound.
6. The Alphabet Killer

In the early 1970s, an apparent serial killer wreaked havoc in New York, when within years, three women were found assaulted and dead in Rochester, Oxygen reported. From 1971 to 1973, three victims Carmen Colón, Wanda Walkowicz, and Michelle Maenza were found abducted, strangled, sexually assaulted, and dumped in brushy embankments near busy roads outside of Rochester. Investigators claimed that the victims were targeted because of their matching "twin" initials. Their first and last name started with the same initials. The victims also had other similarities – all three of them came from struggling Catholic families, had deceased fathers, and did not quite fit in their school. On November 16, 1971, Colon was attacked blocks away from her home and tried to ask for help. Witnesses say she was nude, waving her arms, and running away from a car backing up on the shoulder of the road. Nobody stopped, and a few days later her body was found by two teenage boys. The cases were never solved.