Connecticut Man Attempts to Hijack Squad Car — with an Officer Still Sitting Inside: Police

A man from Connecticut allegedly attempted to take off with a squad car with an officer sitting inside it, police said. 49-year-old, Stacey Footman, from New Haven, allegedly approached a police cruiser, in which Officer Roch was seated, on August 4, and then tried to flee away with the vehicle, WFSB reported.

Officer Roch was on the passenger seat of his cruiser writing a report, police said, Fox61 reported. Footman reportedly came near the vehicle and started screaming at Roch to open the doors.
Footman was known to Roch because of the former's previous brush-ins with the law, Fox61 reported. Roch allegedly unlocked the doors and came out. During that time, Footman took the driving seat and tried to drive away. Roch reportedly attempted to push Footman out but to no avail.
Footman allegedly put the car into drive and accelerated, police claimed, Fox61 reported. Roch accessed the steering wheel to prevent the cruiser from hitting other vehicles and people. The cruiser reportedly crashed into the Deliverance Temple Church on Congress Avenue, across from the substation.
Footman and Roch both suffered minor injuries, WFSB reported. Footman is still in the hospital receiving aid for his injuries.
Officers claim that Footman was yelling "shoot" during the whole ordeal, WFSB reported.
Footman has been charged with larceny in the second degree, kidnapping in the second degree, assault of public safety personnel, criminal trover in the second degree, and interfering with an officer, Fox61 reported.
"This is yet another example of the inherent risks that police officers face daily and even when sitting in a cruiser you are marked for violence due to your job," said New Haven police Chief Karl Jacobson, WFSB reported.
"To have a dangerous individual attempt to kidnap an officer and steal a marked police car is outrageous. The suspect then attempts to be in a suicide by police officer scenario and the officers deal with this taking him into custody. I am thankful that no one was seriously injured, and I commend Officer Roch for his quick thinking that kept this from being something far worse," said Jacobson, the outlet reported.