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Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth Well Before the Rings of Saturn Were Formed, Claim Researchers

Data from the Cassini spacecraft shows that the rings on Saturn could be 150 million to 300 million years old.
Panoramic view of Saturn Rings. (Cover Image Source: Wikimedia Commons | Photo by NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute)
Panoramic view of Saturn Rings. (Cover Image Source: Wikimedia Commons | Photo by NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute)

Saturn stands apart from other planets in the solar system because of its stunning rings. For decades, astronomers have been trying to figure out the features of these rings. However, it has not been an easy pursuit for experts. In 2017, astronomers garnered important information about the rings using data gathered by a spacecraft, stated Smithsonian Magazine.

Picture of Saturn (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons/Photo by NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI)
Picture of Saturn (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons | Photo by NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI)

The data from the Cassini spacecraft showcased that the rings are on the younger side. Researchers claimed that they could be 150 million to 300 million years old or even younger. This implies that dinosaurs appeared on Earth before the rings formed around Saturn. For a long time, there was debate about the formation of these rings. Some believed it could have been formed out of leftover material from the creation of the planet and hence were billions of years old or were created out of the remnants of one of the planet's moons. The discovery makes the latter claim plausible.

Cassini spacecraft was flying between Saturn and its rings for a considerable amount of time to garner data regarding the planet, stated Science News. Ultimately, the spacecraft got plunged into the planet's atmosphere. However, the scientists managed to retrieve the required information. The result of the analysis conducted by experts was announced at the American Geophysical Union on December 12 and 13.


The data collected by Cassini allowed experts to determine the difference between the pull experienced by the spacecraft from the planet and the rings as well as the planet. The measurements implied that the B ring, equivalent to 80 percent of the total ring mass, is around 15 billion kilograms in weight. This means the ring is 0.4 times heavier than the mass of Saturn’s moon Mimas. Such a small density could not be a result of billions of years of existence. This proves that the proponents of young Saturn rings were correct, putting the theory of ring formation due to the creation of Saturn planet to rest. 

The examination of dust falling on the rings also implies that the phenomenon is on the younger side. Cassini went to Saturn in 2004 and captured the illuminated rings. Researchers claimed that there was too much dust on these rings to allow them to maintain their shining appearance for billions of years. The measurements were undertaken by Cassini’s dust-counting instrument. "Our data implies that the ring can only have a pollution age of a few hundred million years or so," said planetary scientist, Sascha Kempf of the University of Colorado Boulder, who reported the findings. "The rings are young."


Larry Esposito of the University of Colorado Boulder, after taking into consideration these findings, claimed that the rings possibly were created when a moon half the mass of Mimas ripped into pieces 200 million years ago. More findings would be needed to verify this theory. Esposito believes that humanity was fortunate that they observed Saturn when it had a unique phenomenon around it. "We’re just really lucky to have developed intelligent life on Earth and launched a spacecraft to Saturn during the 200 million years when it happens to have rings around it," he said.

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