Massive Rock Split Exactly in Half and Seemingly Levitating in Perfect Balance Baffles Scientists

A rock in Saudi Arabia and the clear divide between its two separate pieces has captivated experts for decades. Al Naslaa rock is located in Tayma Oasis—the site of Saudi Arabia's oldest human settlement, How Stuff Works reported.

The 6-meter structure sits atop two natural pedestals that make them appear as if they are almost levitating in perfect balance with one another, according to IFL Science. The divide between the two pieces of the structure is so precise and uniform that at first glance it seems to be the work of a laser.
In reality, the structure has been around for almost 4,000 years, and therefore lasers can't be involved in creating the smooth gap present between the two boulders, How Stuff Works reported.
A popular theory regarding the division between the boulders is that it was created by aliens through advanced technology, How Stuff Works reported.
"Some believe that this is the creation of the ancient gods or aliens. Considering that the formation looks as if it had been cut by a well-aimed laser, some believe that an alien descended into the Tayma Oasis and shattered the rock with advanced technology not available to humans in the formation of it," Acerca del Mundo posted on Facebook.
Another popular theory is that the rock stands upon a fault line, IFL Science reported. The ground beneath the structure shifted in such a manner that the split was facilitated. Over the years, the sand surrounding the structure must have flown into the gap, filling the uneven crack to create a perfectly smooth surface.
The crack might also be a joint, according to some experts, IFL Science reported. Joint happens when a break occurs in a rock without any sort of displacement. Mostly such fractures are unusually straight in appearance.
The side-by-side boulders also have visible petroglyphs, which makes the whole structure more enchanting to human eyes, How Stuff Works reported. Petroglyphs are images carved on rocks through carving or engraving, IFL Science reported.
The Al Naslaa Rock features depictions of Arabian horses, ibexes, and humans. The experts have found it difficult to date these drawings.