Don't get behind the wheel!: These 10 celebrities were busted for suspected drunk driving

For many people, New Year’s Eve can be a time for celebration. It’s a time to think about the last year and hope for what will happen in the new one.
Many attend gatherings or parties to celebrate the holiday and might even partake in a drink or two. Some take it too far and become inebriated. Celebrities are no different and have gotten drunk in their lives.
But these famous faces got attention for the wrong reason when they got allegedly drunk then got behind the wheel. They ended up with famous mugshots from their arrest.
Here are the stories about their suspected drunk-driving arrests:

In April 2014, child-actress Amanda Bynes was arrested for DUI in West Hollywood, California, according to TMZ. Police said she tried to pass a cop car in her black BMW when he hit the police cruiser.
She was pulled over and arrested. Bynes refused to take a breathalyzer or provide a blood test, according to TMZ.
Bynes later pleaded no contest in the DUI case and was sentenced to probation. She was arrested in 2014 again for suspicion of DUI, but those charges were eventually dropped.

Socialite and celebrity Paris Hilton was arrested for DUI in 2006 after police saw her driving erratically in Hollywood, according to a previous report by FrontPageDetectives. It was the first in a string of arrests for Hilton.
The star blew a .08, matching the legal limit for blood alcohol content.
She entered a plea of not guilty but was arrested weeks later for driving on a suspended license. Eventually, Hilton was sentenced to jail for her run-ins with the law and only served days behind bars.

Backstreet Boys member Nick Carter was arrested in March 2005 for suspicion of DUI, according to Billboard.
He was stopped by police in California after officers saw him commit a traffic violation, according to authorities. Carter would later plead guilty and was sentenced to a three-month alcohol program and three years of informal probation.

In July 2018, actor Shia LaBeouf was arrested on suspicion of DUI after he was involved in a crash, according to FrontPageDetectives.
However, it was determined the other driver ran the red light, causing the crash and there wasn’t enough evidence to charge LaBeouf. While that case was dropped, LaBeouf has had numerous other arrests.

In 2011, rapper Flo Rida was arrested in Miami Beach, Florida, and suspected of DUI.
According to Billboard, Flo Rida was swerving as he drove through South Beach in a Bugatti. He was stopped by police and said he couldn’t complete the field sobriety tests. His blood alcohol content was .185, which is more than double the .08 legal driving limit.
Flo Rida later entered a diversion program that allowed the DUI charge to be changed to reckless driving.

Actor Vince Vaughn was arrested in 2018 in Manhattan Beach, California, at a DUI checkpoint.
The checkpoint was “zero tolerance,” where any driver over the legal driving limit would be arrested, according to USA Today. The actor pleaded no contest to reckless driving and was sentenced to unsupervised probation.

In 2007, Disney actress Lindsay Lohan was arrested for DUI and felony drug possession, according to ABC News. Lohan was involved in a car chase with the mother of her personal assistant. She was pulled over and failed a field sobriety test.
A breath test was completed and registered a .12 blood alcohol content above the .08 legal driving limit, police said.
Lohan later pleaded guilty to charges in connection to her case and was ordered to spend 24-hours in jail and to complete three-years probation, according to People.

In a high-profile 2016 arrest, A-list actor Mel Gibson was accused of drunk driving after he was pulled over for speeding, according to FrontPageDetectives. But, during his arrest, Gibson went on an anti-Semitic rant.
“F***ing Jews,” Gibson reportedly yelled during an arrest. “The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. Are you a Jew?”
The rant drew condemnation across the world. Gibson later pleaded guilty to drunk driving and apologized for his behavior.

Actress Jaime Pressly was arrested in Santa Monica, California, and accused of drunk driving in January 2011. At the time of her arrest, Pressly had a blood alcohol content of .22, almost three times the legal driving limit of .08, according to Fox News.
Pressly took a plea deal and pleaded no contest to DUI with a blood alcohol level of. 08 or higher. She was sentenced to three-years probation.

In 2014, heartthrob Justin Bieber was arrested in Florida on charges of DUI, reckless driving and resisting arrest, according to FrontPageDetectives. Police saw Bieber in a Lamborghini racing another car in a neighborhood.
Bieber failed a field sobriety test.
The singer later pleaded guilty to careless driving, and he had to complete 12 hours of anger management counseling and make a large charitable donation.
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