Chris Watts submitted a handwritten letter to defend his closest friend and neighbor at Dodge Correctional Institution. OK! has obtained a copy of an affidavit that was written by Watts and then filed in court by Dylan Tallman in one of his lawsuits against the staff at the facility.
In that affidavit, Watts recounted an incident that occurred back in June between Tallman and Bonnie Gugler, a nurse clinician at DCI. Tallman — who has mental health issues — had petitioned the court asking that Nurse Gugler not approach him after an incident that occurred one year prior when he was allegedly strapped to a bed for six days wearing just his undergarments. Tallman claims that the medical staff ignored him until he had to be rushed to the hospital from a self-sustained injury that bled out for so long he required a blood transfusion.

Tallman, 28, has spoken about Watts, 35, like a big brother and protector. He did his best to carry out that role back in June as he monitored the situation with Tallman and later put it all together in an affidavit. That filing stated:
On the 18th day of June 2020 between 8:20 PM and 8:30 PM, Nurse Gugler arrived on the unit to give Dylan Tallman his medication. Dylan Tallman is in cell 13 and I am in cell 14. My positioning was near the front of my cell as I was about to rinse out my bowl when this conversation ensued: Tallman asked, “Why are you fighting me on this?“ Gugler responds: “Fighting you on what?“ Tallman begins to explain the answer he received from the attorney general and assistant attorney general, for representing Nurse Gugler, in regards to the complaint he filed against her. Even showing her a copy at his door for her verification. Gugler responds: “No one has contacted me and I’ve never spoken with anyone about this.” At this point her visage changes and asks: “Should I even be giving you your medication right now?” Tallman responds, “Would you sign an affidavit swearing that the attorney general and assistant attorney general have not contacted you regarding this complaint and your representation?” Gugler responds: “Yes, I would. I just need to check with Tom in HSU.” Nurse Gugler proceeds to wheel the medication cart away and leaves. The second shift officer was present for this conversation as well.
Two individuals who are close to Watts revealed to OK! last month that the killer dad was writing a book with Tallman. Those sources also revealed that the book would be called Revelation in the Reckoning. Watts likely chose to work with Tallman because he has previously self-published a book. That book, A Blessing in Disguise, details his life and the circumstances that led to him dealing drugs at a young age.
OK! was able to obtain a portion of one of those prayers, "Breaking Down Walls." It reads:
Dear Heavenly Father,
I've put up walls, walls bigger than a fortified city. There are strongholds I have allowed the enemy to put in my mind and I built thereon. The foundations of fear, of insecurities, and of failure are stacked higher and higher until they tower over me. My past is a blueprint and the devil the architect. While I watch his fallen ones build stone upon stone every day I see these walls as insurmountable, a barrier that blocks me from enjoying your love, your peace, and of your joy, oh Lord. You are my master builder. Help me walk around these walls, sound the trumpet and shout that they may come crashing down like the walls of Jericho. Make it be that no stone shall be left upon another for they shall be ground down from stones to powder as you are the rock that is higher than I am, you are the chief cornerstone of where my foundation needs to be built because no storm of the sea can make a house built upon rock move.

Watts, who was not a religious man prior to his time in prison, has previously claimed he communicates with his family through the word of the Lord. It is unclear, however, if his newfound fascination with religion is for self-betterment or a ploy to present himself as a changed man.
He and Tallman found themselves in trouble after a number of Watts' toiletries were found in the other man's cell. The incident occurred in July and resulted in Tallman being punished for Unauthorized Transfer of Property, Unauthorized Forms of Communication, and Possession of Contraband-Miscellaneous. Watts was also punished, losing his phone privileges for two weeks and being banned from purchasing goods at the canteen for 30 days.
Tallman has a lengthy history of infractions at Dodge Correctional Institution. He is currently suing multiple employees at Dodge, which is how the Watts incident came to light. In one filing, Tallman writes that after a corrections officer told him he was not going to heaven that Watts had to calm him down for an hour.
He has said in legal filings he will drop all of his complaints if the state will agree to transfer him from the maximum-security prison to a mental health facility. He has been in and out of prison for most of his life, though the 27-year-old inmate has never been charged with a violent felony. Instead, he has been sentenced on charges involving drug possession, retail theft less than $500, and a single count of arson.

Tallman says in a separate filing from another lawsuit that he and Watts are actually working together on two books. He also points out that these books are religious, and says that this is why the two men cannot be homosexuals. "We have books coming out on Christianity, how does a man of god condone homosexuality," wrote Tallman. That seemed to be referencing a Daily Mail interview with his fiancée about his sexuality. "Reports suggest the discovery of Watts' petroleum jelly and underwear in Tallman's cell showed the two were having sex while in prison," read the story in the Mail. It is not clear where those reports came from, however, as the Mail chose to lift that reporting without crediting any source or outlet.
Tallman says in a separate filing from another lawsuit that he and Watts are actually working together on two books. He also points out that these books are religious, and says that this is why the two men cannot be homosexuals. "We have books coming out on Christianity, how does a man of god condone homosexuality," wrote Tallman. That seemed to be referencing a Daily Mail interview with his fiancée about his sexuality. "Reports suggest the discovery of Watts' petroleum jelly and underwear in Tallman's cell showed the two were having sex while in prison," read the story in the Mail. It is not clear where those reports came from, however, as the Mail chose to lift that reporting without crediting any source or outlet.
Tallman is now out of DCI and in a supervised living facility, while Watts’ remains behind bars after being sentenced to five life terms without the possibility of parole for pleading guilty to the murders of his pregnant wife, Shanann, and two daughters, Bella and Celeste. The case quickly grabbed national headlines, which is why the Colorado Department of Corrections chose to transfer Watts to a facility in Wisconsin.
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