Cold But Not Forgotten: Front Page Detectives to feature cold case stories all week

Dec. 9 2021, Published 9:21 a.m. ET
Every year thousands of people are murdered in the U.S.
Most of the cases are solved with a quick arrest. The suspect is either at the scene or identified and apprehended. I’ve spent years covering crime from various newspapers and have seen first-hand how the victim’s family reacts to the arrest news.
For some, it’s anger. For others, it’s a relief that a killer is off the streets. For a few, they are filled with questions about why? For all it brings some sort of closure, it’s at least a chance to blame someone for their loved one’s untimely demise.
That’s not true for all victim’s families. Some go years without having that closure. Some never get it. Their cases go cold as police get stumped. Their loved one’s killer remains free and they are left to wonder why, and who.
The cases have gone cold but are not forgotten.
Here at FrontPageDetecives we are taking to the week of Dec. 13 through Dec. 19 to highlight some of these cold cases. It’s a chance to feature some cold cases that you have heard of, some you haven’t. It’s an opportunity to keep the memories of some victims alive and bring more eyeballs to an investigation.
We have stories planned about a Colorado’s cop decade-long hunt for the person who shot him. It’s an exclusive story you can’t read anywhere else starting on Dec. 13. You won’t believe how it ends.
There are also numerous stories to highlight cold cases from across the country. These reports are designed to shed some light on cases that you’ve likely never heard about.
We have stories planned to highlight how police agencies go about trying to solve these cold cases and how technology changes, especially with DNA, have helped investigators. The DNA improvements have helped bring closure after decades, but how does it all work?
We hope you enjoy the various cold case stories that have become a staple among True Crime fanatics. Feel free to poke around the cases — maybe there is something police have missed or a suspect unknown. Internet sleuths have helped police solve some difficult cases in recent months. At worst, I hope the cold cases make you take a moment to remember the victims as people and not just stats.
Feel free to send information about your loved one’s cold case to me at and we are happy to feature their information in future stories.
While the cases might go cold, their memories should never be forgotten.
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