U.S. vet wanted to commit mass murder and blow up a political rally. He didn't downplay his desires, even during trial.

A radicalized U.S. veteran admitted during his trial that he wanted to commit mass murder. That he was excited when he found someone to make a bomb. That he wanted to attack a political rally and kill as many people as possible.
He wanted to attack even up to the moment of his arrest — which happened as he held a bomb in his hands.
Now, the vet will spend the next 25 years in federal prison.
Recently, Mark Steven Domingo, 28, was sentenced after previously pleading guilty to one count of providing material support to terrorists and one count of attempted use of a weapon of a mass destruction.
FrontPageDetectives previously reported the details of the events leading up to Domingo’s arrest.
He served in the military, including a tour in Afghanistan from 2012 to 2013. But he grew disgusted with the shootings at mosques in New Zealand and wanted revenge. Domingo posted in online forums in support of violence.
Domingo considered various attack plans and ways to commit mass murder, according to prosecutors. He even hatched a plan to detonate a bomb at a political rally in Long Beach, California.
Domingo met with a man he thought was a bomb maker but was in reality was an undercover police officer.
Days before the rally, Domingo bought hundreds of nails to be used in the bombs. He said he bought 3 ½ inch nails so they would penetrate organs, according to investigators.
The plan included scouting the rally so Domingo could figure out where to plant the bomb to kill the most people. On April 26, 2019, Domingo was given what he thought were two live bombs.
He was arrested that day with one of the bombs in his hand.
Even during the trial, prosecutors said, Domingo did not downplay his desire to kill as many people as possible.
“At trial, [Domingo] testified and repeatedly affirmed that he intended to commit mass murder in March and April 2019,” prosecutors wrote in a sentencing memorandum. “He admitted that the [confidential informant] stopped him from committing at least one murder in April 2019 by encouraging him to be patient. Finally, he admitted that he was excited when he learned that the [confidential informant] had access to an individual who could construct a bomb, and that he was the one who chose to attack the rally, chose to use the bombs, and chose to go through with the plot to commit mass murder, right up until the moment of his arrest.”
Prosecutors had asked for a life sentence, but a federal judge sentenced Domingo to 25 years in prison.
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