Final Frontier: World’s Uncharted Oceans May Be Hiding UFOs

NASA's highly anticipated report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs).
NASA's recent report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) generated considerable interest following numerous UFO sightings.
While the report did not definitively conclude the existence of aliens, it has left the door open to the possibility of "potential unknown alien technology operating in Earth's atmosphere."
Additionally, it highlighted the need for enhanced tracking and scientific investigation of these unexplained sightings, prompting experts to suggest exploring not only the skies but also the oceans for answers.
In 2021, CNN shared leaked footage, reportedly captured by UFO enthusiast Jeremy Cobell, depicting a circular flying object landing and vanishing into the sea. The Pentagon confirmed that this footage, recorded from a Navy ship, was part of an investigation into UAPs.
Brian Helmuth, a professor of marine and environmental science at Northeastern University, emphasized the largely uncharted territories within Earth's oceans.
While acknowledging that UFOs fall outside his area of expertise, Helmuth asserted that the oceans represent Earth's last frontier, holding untold mysteries yet to be unveiled, according to The Sun.
Helmuth stated, "If I were investigating an alien planet like Earth, the ocean would definitely be the place to start. Not only does it comprise the vast majority of living space and organisms on Earth, but it is also comparatively unpopulated by the one species, humans, known for their impact on the planet. It would be a great place from which to observe."
One of the members of the 16-person NASA panel responsible for the report, Paula Bontempi, is an oceanographer with 18 years of experience at the agency. Helmuth praised her as an ideal addition to the committee, considering her extensive expertise in the field.
However, the panel's experts, led by astrophysicist David Spergel, have cautioned against sensationalism and emphasized the importance of a scientific approach when evaluating UAP sightings and related data.
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To advance this scientific approach, officials have appointed a Director of Research for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, who will lead efforts to establish a comprehensive database for future UAP data analysis, incorporating AI and machine learning techniques.
Nicola Fox, the associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, described UAPs as "one of our planet's greatest mysteries."
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