Her Husband Filed For Divorce And A Protective Order. So, She Stabbed Him 22 Times Until He Died.

A man requested a protective order against his wife after filing for divorce weeks earlier. Later that same day, he was found stabbed to death.
Now, his wife will never be free again.
Last month, a jury in Fayette County, Georgia, convicted Alexandria Ginavia Mardell of malice murder, felony murder and aggravated assault. A judge then sentenced her to life in prison without parole, according to the Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office.
Mardell, 45, stabbed her husband, John Mardell, at least 22 times on Dec. 23, 2019, according to prosecutors.
She then hit him in the head with a jar.
“John Mardell’s death was horrific. His major organs were damaged, and he floundered on the ground…dying,” prosecutor Dan Hiatt said during sentencing, according to the district attorney’s office.
After the attack, Alexandria Mardell packed a bag and fled in her husband’s car, prosecutors said.
She claimed the attack was in self-defense, but the jury rejected that claim.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that John Mardell had filed for a protective order the same day he was killed. Earlier that same month, he had filed for divorce.
“John Mardell’s death was avoidable, senseless, and horribly violent,” District Attorney Marie Broder said. “My deepest thanks goes to the investigators with the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office and to my team for working so hard to bring justice to John. ADA Hiatt said to the Judge during sentencing that this case ‘needs to send a message to this county that violence like this will not be tolerated.’ The jury sent that message with its verdict and the Judge sent that message with her sentence.”

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