Arizona Men Tossed Homeless Man In Dumpster And Set It Ablaze: Police

Two men are charged with murdering a man at a homeless encampment in downtown Phoenix by putting him in trash bags, rolling them on a shopping cart to a dumpster and setting the dumpster on fire, police said.
Surveillance cameras from nearby stores led officers to arrest Isaiah Baskin, 18, and Larry Scott, 22 on first-degree murder charges.
Baskin may be cooperating with police. Court documents obtained by KSAZ-TV indicate he talked about watching Scott and another man assault the victim on March 21.
Baskin reportedly admitted pushing the shopping cart with the victim to the dumpster, then lifting it to unload the contents. He then offered a lighter to the other suspects, according to authorities.
Police say Baskin heard moans from the dumpster before it was torched. That was a sign the victim was still alive when the fire started.
“[Baskin] admitted to hearing banging noises coming from inside of the metal dumpster which he believed to be caused by the victim inside," the documents add.
Police say the victim is male, but his body is so badly burned that an identity has not been confirmed.
Baskin is behind bars on $1 million bond. Police say he was carrying methamphetamine and fentanyl when he was arrested.
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Scott was in a felony release program. He's held without bond.
The victim resided in “The Zone,” a tent city in downtown Phoenix. The Arizona Republic estimates more than 1,000 people without homes are camped there.
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