A Duo in Texas Approached A Man Over $40 That Went Missing. One Paid for the Accusation With Their Life.

A couple approached a gang member about taking $40 from their boarding room. It cost one of them their life.
Now, the killer is spending at least two decades behind bars.
A Texas judge sentenced Terrance Thomas to 25 years in prison, according to the Harris County District Attorney’s Office. Thomas chose to plead guilty to a murder charge ahead of trial.
He was convicted of killing Jaquan Thompson, 23, on June 10, 2020.
Prosecutors said Thomas, 25, proudly admitted to investigators that he had been a member of the “Gangster Disciples” for at least 10 years. He joined after a family member got him involved and met other gang members while selling drugs.
“Gang members terrorize communities and work together to commit more crimes,” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg said. “When a gang member uses a gun to commit a horrific and random act of violence like this, it is imperative that we get justice for the victim, their family and the community.”
On the fateful day, Thompson and a woman approached Thomas as he sat in a car near a motel, prosecutors said. Thompson and Thomas knew each other before the meeting.
The woman said Thomas had stolen roughly $40 from her boarding room, and they confronted him about the money. That started an argument, which led to Thomas getting out of his car and shooting Thompson nine times.
“This was a stupid, senseless murder that happened over practically nothing,” Assistant District Attorney Renee Serrato said. “You can’t even say it was greed because it was over 40 bucks. It was a severe overreaction to nothing.”
After being arrested on the murder charge, Thomas was released on bond. He was then arrested an accused of beating up a stranger at a laundromat. He was also found with a gun during a later stop by police.
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