South Carolina Man Accused of Getting Into an Argument With a Man, Then Using a Machete to Cut off His Toes

Matthew Hellman accused of using a machete to cut off another man's toes during argument.
April 21 2024, Published 12:06 p.m. ET
Police say a South Carolina man has been arrested after he allegedly got into an argument with another man and then cut off his toes with a machete.
On April 3, officers responded to a stabbing call at an apartment complex near Surfside Beach and found the victim on the ground, according to a police report obtained by WBTW-TV.
The victim reportedly crawled to the front door to open it.
The victim told police he and 32-year-old Matthew Hellman had previously been feuding and got into an argument that night, which led to Hellmen allegedly attacking him with a machete.
At the time, the victim was on the ground with his leg and arms up in a “defensive position,” but Hellman swung the machete at him. With that swing, Hellman reportedly cut off two toes on the victim’s left foot.
According to the police report, Hellman then went into the kitchen and started throwing plates and bowls at the victim before he fled the apartment.
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Police said the victim was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment.
On April 16, Hellman was arrested and charged with assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature and three counts of possession of firearms and ammunition, officials said.
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He was booked into the Horry County Jail and was being held without bond.
Hellman has a criminal history, as records state he was arrested in May 2023 for unlawful possession, purchase, or use of body armor by a person convicted of a violent crime, possession of firearms and other charges. In 2014, he pleaded guilty to armed robbery and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
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