Aliens or Hodgepodge of Animal Bones? Corpses Found in Peru ‘Make No Sense’

Jaime Maussan speaks on the two anomalies.
In a recent development that captured the attention of both skeptics and enthusiasts, two purported "alien" corpses were presented at Mexico's first public congressional hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs). has learned that doubts have now surfaced regarding the authenticity of these specimens.
The bodies - one of which was named Josephine - were reportedly discovered in Peru in 2017, and were showcased on Tuesday, 9 September, by journalist and ufologist Jaime Maussan.
Maussan, who presented the specimens under oath, claimed that they were found in diatom (algae) mines, and later fossilized. He insisted emphatically that the two objects were not part of "our terrestrial evolution."
Questions were raised almost as soon as the presentation ended.
Julieta Fierro, a researcher at the Institute of Astronomy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, expressed her skepticism about the discovery, per LAD Bible.
Fierro pointed out that some of the details surrounding the specimens "make no sense," and noted that the university does not support the findings.

Analysts claim the DNA in "non-human" mummified remains found in Peru do not belong to humans.
She also noted that further tests, beyond an X-ray, would be necessary to ascertain if the beings were truly non-human.
The doubts surrounding the “alien” corpses reached a new level when a recently resurfaced video from 2021 shed light on their physical makeup.
In the documentary, Alexander Sokolov from the Scientists Against Myths YouTube vlog assembled a group of experts to examine the bone structure of the specimens.
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The experts concluded that the bones were a hodgepodge of human and animal bones, creating a completely mismatched structure.
According to the examination, Josephine's legs comprised a tibia bone and a femur bone, unrelated to each other.
This abnormality raised doubts about the humanoid being's ability to walk. Furthermore, it was discovered that the head, originally touted as a body part of extraterrestrial origin, is actually a fragmented skull from a llama or alpaca.
These revelations have further drained the already questionable credibility of Maussan.
Emphasizing the latter Fierro told the press "Maussan has done many things. He says he has talked to the Virgin of Guadalupe," she said of UFO enthusiast and then continued to say: "He told me extraterrestrials do not talk to me like they talk to him because I don’t believe in them."
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This debunked theory comes hot on the heels of a report that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced that it is poised to release its official stance on extraterrestrial life, UFOs, and aliens.
Their findings, according to an earlier report by, will be based on 800 alleged sightings and subsequent reports spanning 27 years. NASA, not privy to the Pentagon's secrets, has been known to debunk reported UFO sightings rather than support them.
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