Two men who lured realtor to fake home showing and murdered her find out their sentencing fate

Two Minnesota men have been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of release for the premeditated first-degree murder of a realtor they lured into meeting them on New Year’s Eve.
On Dec. 31, 2019, the pair, Cedric Berry and Berry Davis, both 42, met Minneapolis real estate agent Monique Baugh at a home in Maple Grove.
The two abducted the 28-year-old mother of two and put her into a U-Haul truck before one took the keys to her house, walked in and shot her boyfriend. He survived the attack.
Baugh’s body was later found in an alley in Minneapolis. She was shot to death.
The Hennepin County Attorney said in a statement Berry and Davis were also convicted of kidnapping. Berry received 158 months with 557 days credit for time served on that charge while Davis received 161 months with 449 days for time served.
- She used to supervise and discipline criminal offenders. Now, she will be a prison inmate for the rest of her life.
- Man killed his ex in a jealous rage. Then he threatened another woman and 4 kids at gunpoint.
- He Ordered The Death Of A Couple For $1,200 And 30 Grams Of Marijuana. Now, He Will Remain Behind Bars For The Rest Of His Life.
They were also each charged with attempted second-degree murder for shooting Baugh’s boyfriend and received 240 months in prison, which will be served concurrently to the kidnapping sentences.
“Monique did not have to die,” Wanda Williams said about her daughter in a victim impact statement read in a Hennepin County courtroom. “They did not have to throw her out like garbage. My baby was so precious to me, so precious to so many, so valuable. How dare they?”
According to Minneapolis’ KMSP-TV, Davis told the court that he didn’t believe he would be convicted of pre-meditated first-degree murder and the other charges against him. “If y’all watching the same show as me, didn’t prove me wrong.”
Berry also addressed the judge: “I’d also just like to say sorry, something I thought I’d never say,” he said. “Yet here I sit, a condemned man, sitting in the same seat as Derek Chauvin and I am about to get life without parole for a few fingerprints that said they were mine and some cell phones, and I’m considered a monster in the system.”
KMSP-TV reported Elsa Segura, Lyndon Wiggins and Shante Davis also face charges related to the case.
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