A 25-year-old Was Bleeding To Death When Police Arrived. With One Of His Final Breaths, He Id'ed His Killer.

A man was shot and bleeding in the doorway of his father’s house. When police arrived, with some of his final spoken breaths, he told them the name of his killer — Brent Buchan.
Now, Buchan will spend the rest of his life behind bars.
Last month, a judge in Minnesota sentenced Buchan to life in prison without parole for shooting 25-year-old Joshua-Lee Boyce on Oct. 25, 2020, according to the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office.
A Minnesota jury convicted Boyce of first- and second-degree murder for the killing of Boyce. The first-degree murder conviction carried a mandatory life sentence.
Around 11:55 p.m. on Oct. 25, 2020, police were alerted to a shooting in Minneapolis. They responded to a home where Boyce was bleeding in the doorway, prosecutors said. With his final spoken breaths, he identified Buchan as his killer.
Boyce was taken to the hospital, where he died from multiple gunshot wounds.
Boyce’s father said his son was with him until shortly before the shooting, according to prosecutors. The 25-year-old went to buy marijuana from Buchan, with whom he had been fighting with recently. But Boyce thought their differences were resolved.
Surveillance video showed Boyce getting out of a car and Buchan getting out of a vehicle and following the victim, prosecutors noted. Buchan then pulled out a gun and started shooting.
The video picked up screams and Boyce saying, “I swear it wasn’t me Brenty.”
Police found Buchan days later and arrested him, prosecutors said. He admitted his nickname was “Brenty” but denied meeting Boyce the fateful night. Police then showed him Facebook messages with Boyce setting up the meeting.
Buchan then admitted to the messages. Now, he will spend the rest of his years behind bars for carrying out the killing.
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