85-year-old man used his car to run down a romantic rival. He will now head to prison.

An 85-year-old man ran down a romantic rival in a jealous rage. Now, he will spend a decade behind bars.
Recently, a judge in New Jersey sentenced Johnny Westbrook to 10-years in prison after he pleaded guilty to first-degree aggravated manslaughter, according to the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office.
Westbrook has to serve at least 85 percent of his sentence before he is parole eligible.
On Dec. 21, 2018, Westbrook drove his 1985 Ford Explorer to a store, where the victim — 63-year-old Daniel Rivera — had just gone. Rivera was a tenant in the same building as Westbrook, according to prosecutors.
Westbrook waited outside the store for several minutes. Then he drove along the sidewalk after Rivera left the store and hit the victim, prosecutors said.
The victim was dragged for several feet and left in the road.
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“You did not stop to help Mr. Rivera?" and attorney asked at Westbrook’s plea hearing, according to the Asbury Park Press.
“No, I did not," Westbrook said.
“You understand that by dragging him and hitting him and not stopping for help, you exhibited extreme indifference to his life and that those actions caused his death?" the attorney asked.
“Yes.” Westbrook responded.
Prosecutors said the victim and Westbrook were in a fight a little more than a month before the homicide. The fight was due to Westbrook’s jealousy over Rivera's friendship with a woman.
The Asbury Park Press reported the relationship between the woman and Rivera was romantic.
Westbrook fled the area after the collision and returned to his apartment, prosecutors said. Police found his SUV parked a few hundred feet from the crime scene and the victim’s blood and hair were in the undercarriage.
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