Divorce Drama: Sabrina Allen Smuggled Away By Her Mother (FPD CASE VAULT)

Dara Llorens (right) was charged with kidnapping after taking little blonde Sabrina from ex-hubby Greg Allen (left), who had court-ordered custody
April 22 2024, Published 9:03 a.m. ET
"She was not in school," said dad Greg. "She was effectively a prisoner in a two-bedroom apartment."
Meanwhile, Llorens’ mother filled the girl's head with lies, telling Sabrina her dad didn't want her and had committed suicide, say investigators.
Although Greg went on to remarry and have three more children, he never stopped looking for Sabrina, who was located 14 months after her abduction, then disappeared again.
Nine years ago, Greg hired private investigator Phil Klein, who has helped rescue 363 abducted children.
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Little blonde Sabrina grew into a brunette teen after she was stolen by her mother following a bitter divorce, taken to Mexico and made to dye her hair to disguise her identity.
"Phil told me finding her would be the easy part. Getting her out will be the hard part," Greg added.
In late September, acting on a tip, the FBI, the U.S. Marshal Service and Mexican authorities swooped in for the rescue. Sabrina was flown back to the U.S. and is undergoing therapy.
"She's in pretty bad shape," said her dad, whose ex-wife was charged with kidnapping.
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