Working Among Us: Famous Serial Killers and Their Day Jobs

Homicidal maniacs walk among us, and they have to find some way to fund their compulsive murders. Here's a look at how some of the world's most notorious serial killers paid the bills while adding to their body counts.
This successful Indianapolis businessman founded the Sav-a-Lot thrift store chaine in 1988, and bought a mansion with a backyard that became a graveyard for the men he picked up in gay bars and strangled in his spacious home. The married mogul killed himself in 1996 when cops started digging up 11 skeletons on his property.
He thrived as an Amway salesman in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, but this handsome killer also used his people skills to kill a series of women. His wife would help by stealing drugs from the veterinarian's offices where she worked. He's serving life in prison.

There was plenty of room of Pickton's pig farm in British Columbia to hide the bodies of all the Canadian women he murdered, and some were actually fed to his livestock. Pickton had to clarify that he'd killed a total of 49 women between 1983 and 2002. That's when he wasn't busy hosting charity parties as the head of the Piggy Palace Good Times Society. He's behind bars for life.
These two nurses' aides met at a Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retirement home and fell in love while discovering they had a lot in common. They later shared prison sentences after being convicted in 1989 of killing five elderly patients.
The notoriously suave psycho went to the Florida electric chair in 1989 for murdering at least 30 women in several states. But give him credit for working in Seattle as a counselor... for a suicide hotline!

These two nurses' aides met at a Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retirement home and fell in love while discovering they had a lot in common. They later shared prison sentences after being convicted in 1989 of killing five elderly patients.
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Innocent women responding to “Help Wanted” ads instead were volunteered as victims to this sex-crazed gas station manager. “Harv the Hammer” was convicted of two murders in Minnesota in 1975, but police believe he committed at least 18 murders in several different states. He's still behind bars.
People could sleep securely knowing that Rader had installed their home security alarms. Meanwhile, he was terrorizing Wichita, Kansas. Between 1970 to 1990 as the notorious BTK killer. That stood for “Bind, Torture, Kill.” Rader's reign ended with his arrest in 2005 and he's serving 10 consecutive life sentences.

A lot of serial killers take up trucking, but Cox really took advantage of staying on the road all over the Pacific Northwest. Police suspect him in over 20 murders, but he's in prison in Oregon for the murder of two Portland prostitutes. He was convicted in 1993 and he was released from prison in February 2013, five years ahead of schedule.
He was given a life sentence in 2001 for the murders of five hookers in Detroit, but this U.S. Navy veteran also claims to have killed two women and a transsexual male in Seattle, plus more victims around the world. All while stationed on the USS Nimitz between 1993 and 1999.
This disgusting maniac defined a cliché while abducting and murdering at least 28 teens in Houston, Texas, between 1970 and 1973. His family owned the Corll Candy Company, and the psycho offered free samples to his victims, until he was murdered by an accomplice in 1973.
While murdering over 30 teenage boys and young men in the 1970s, Gacy also stayed busy in Illinois by managing Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants and volunteered as a clown for children's birthday parties. The clowning around ended when he was executed in 1994.

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