A United States Postal Worker Refused to Deliver a 2-Pound Package of Marijuana. So the Recipient Grabbed His AR-15 and Killed Her.

Trevor Seward (left) was sentenced to life in prison and Jerome Davis (right) pleaded guilty to robbery and conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute and to distribute marijuana, prosecutors said.
Two men in South Carolina were arrested in connection with the death of a postal carrier who stopped a package of marijuana from getting delivered in the mail.
Trevor Seward was sentenced to serve life in prison, plus 20 years, on June 22 for the robbery and murder of United States postal worker Irene Pressley in Andrews, WMBF reported.
A second defendant in the case, Jerome Davis, faced as much as 20 years behind bars for robbery as well as an additional five years for marijuana conspiracy after he pleaded guilty to a robbery charge last winter, according to the station.
In September 2019, the two men were expecting a package containing two-pounds of marijuana sent from California, prosecutors said.
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Pressley, the mail carrier, however, left a form in Seward’s mailbox instructing him to go to the post office to get the package.
Seward confronted Pressley on her route but then returned home to retrieve an AR-15 after she didn’t give him the package. A short time later, Davis picked the armed man up and brought him to where Pressley’s postal vehicle was at the time.
According to police, Seward opened fire, shooting around 20 rounds into the vehicle and killing Pressley, who was struck multiple times.
Seward then drove Pressley’s vehicle to a ditch three miles from the shooting scene and attempted to locate the package containing the marijuana. The package was later located at the location where Seward killed the postal worker.
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